Releasing skilled teachers to the nations

Our Current Focus
English is the most widely learned and used foreign language in the world. It is also, the official language for international organisation’s, technology, communications, medicine, business, government, law and education. (Wikipedia)
Teaching English as a second language can empower refugees and immigrants and help them become established in their new home.
Teaching English as a foreign language can be a gift to enable many trapped in poverty to overcome their powerlessness and participate in national and global economies.
Our passion is to see skilled and dedicated English teachers go to the neediest places and help empower the poor. For this reason, we are seeking to enable as many as possible to go to the areas of greatest need by providing a Certificate IV in TESOL or a Diploma of TESOL by Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) at the lowest possible cost.

For more information on RPL and RCC you can go to our website at
Or you can request an information pack
Please note that we do not offer online training.
If you are seeking TESOL training we can recommend various alternatives depending on your situation.
You are welcome to get in touch with us via the above website link if you want to talk about your options.
English World Language Infographic

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